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Some fun videos here:


Now at hostwinds.com, hope that solves some issues....

Posts from November 2024
Dec. 10 - These https://www.savethearchive.com seem like good people fighting a good fight. Sign the petition! The music industry is attacking the Internet Archive over their making 78rpm records available digitally. There is an article at Rolling Stone about it, but it may be behind a paywall for you. I have extracted it here: internetArchiveFight.html (from https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/tegan-sara-kathleen-hanna-internet-archive-lawsuit-letter-1235195841/)
Dec. 9 - I created a small screed about software freedom, from some experiences I've had. Here it is: softwareFreedom.html
Dec. 8 ** 3 I made a page for my iPhone app "WhatsPlaying". WhatsPlaying.html I have tried to learn iPhone programming. I find it hard to come up with ideas for apps. This one is based on functionality that used to be in the Amarok music player for KDE on linux. It lets you jump to Wikipedia entries on the song, artist and album currently playing in Apple Music on an iPhone or iPad. It uses the Wikipedia app if it is present. It may work correctly in French and Spanish as well, if your phone is set to those languages. The names of songs, etc., and Wikipedia pages are not standardized, so it doesn't always work. It is written using SwiftUI, which makes iPhone programming easier. It's very bare bones, but there it is, in the App Store.
Dec. 8, again - When I was working on music a lot, I was very tied to reading and writing it from/on paper. More recently, I've tried to learn things by ear and memory. They both have their value IMHO. Written music is a way to set down and share musical information, but it's the sound that ultimately matters.
Dec. 8 - I made a page about the song Samba Em Prelúdio as performed by Esperanza Spalding. SambaEmPreludio.html
Dec. 6 - putting up a page about the Amyours Band of Madang from Papua New Guinea in 1984. Some pictures and audio I captured. amyours.html
Dec. 5, again, again -- I wanted to include an audio file of the song I transcribed. It's in my Apple Music library. So I thought I could get it out of there. It seems difficult (or impossible, I don't know) to do so. So this is another case of "content" that I'd like to "share with my neighbors", as the FSF would say. I found it on YouTube and extracted it into an mp3. A lot of trouble to just say, "here, listen to this". It'd be nice if there was some universal means of authentication/authorization/media micropayments. I guess Charles Lloyd is still alive, and maybe he should get some small amount of money for everyone that listens to my .mp3. I just want to publish content without asking people to go through gyrations to consume it.
Dec. 5 again - I scanned a transcription I did and created a page for it. songofher.html
Dec. 5 enjoying XScreenSaver on my OpenBSD Thinkpad..... such amazing programming just for the fun of it. https://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/. Not available for Windows or Wayland.
Dec. 3 made a David Eyre's pancake (google it) (Visual Studio code offers up some random text it made up about my life.....)
These are a treat that we used to have for special occasions at breakfast when I was a kid. Haven't had one in like 40 years!
Dec. 2 again**4 Me with someone playing some sort of recorder-like instrument in Morocco in about 1972. Future amateur ethnomusicologist????
Dec.2 again**3 Here (Djimo-Chernoff.html) is an excerpt from a 1979 book on Afri can music, which used the example of a performance by Djimo as an example of African style. The comparison was to a performance by Rostropovich. I had this book and was rereading it sometime in the 90s, having then known Djimo for some years, and was blown away by this.
Dec. 2 again Program from the Bamboo Club in Toronto Oct. 1989, when I was part of Itadi's band. We were described as African from Zaïre. Well, one of us (Raymond) was.....
Dec. 2 Djimo and Amadou Kouyate playing at our wedding ceremony. ❤️