Bokononism is a fictional religion in Kurt Vonnegut's novel "Cat's Cradle". I have long been a big fan of Vonnegut and chose this domain name a long time ago in homage to him. Here is what Wikipedia says today (Nov. 2,2024) about Bokononism.   tl;dr :   vin-dit – a sudden shove in the direction of Bokononism


The semi-humorous religion secretly practiced by the people of San Lorenzo, called Bokononism, encompasses concepts unique to the novel. Many of these concepts use words from the San Lorenzan creole "dialect" of English. Assumed within the religion is the presence of God, who evidently works in mysterious ways. Many of its sacred texts, collectively called The Books of Bokonon, are written in the form of calypso songs.[12] Bokononist rituals are equally strange or absurdist; for example, the supreme religious act consists of any two worshippers rubbing the bare soles of their feet together to inspire spiritual connection.

Here are some Bokononist terms:[12]

---- credit where credit is due:

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, s.v. "Cat's Cradle," (accessed Nov. 2, 2024),